Subtle Energy: Information to Enhance, Guide, and Heal.
This workshop consists of two levels
Level 1: NOVEMBER 6/7 2021!
Harbourfront, Toronto Ontario

For past and present students, we are hosting bi-weekly online Strashun Institute Sessions. For more information, please contact us below.
For more information, please contact us above.


  • Imagine being able to choose the best quality products when you go to purchase your groceries, supplements, herbal remedies, or plants for your garden and home. Imagine getting the healthiest and smartest pets, second-hand cars, etc, by tapping into their Energy fields.

  • Imagine learning techniques that, with practice, will give you objective information about the nature of people, their abilities, and their relationships just by knowing their names or listening to their voices on a phone.

  • Imagine being equipped with the tools to find the best solutions for any situation.

  • If you worry about somebody's well-being and, for some reason, cannot reach this person, imagine having the tools to find out if this person is OK or not.

  • Imagine being able to help and protect yourself and your loved ones from negative environments and difficult situations even from a distance.

  • Imagine learning meditation techniques and exercises that enhance your health and help you to achieve emotional and mental balance.

    These are just some of the things you will learn in this two part course.


click above to play video


Level 1 - is a two-day workshop that will be held in Toronto, Ontario - November 6/7th 2021

This is the first of two, two-day workshops based on a system that Olga Strashun has developed over 30 years by combining existing information with personal observation, experimentation, and practical application into the ways in which the vibrational world of Subtle Energy (SE) works.

Workshop Part I (and the Part II follow-up) is intended for a very wide range of participants  —  from practitioners who have knowledge of the vibrational world to those who are completely new to the subject. Everyone who is open-minded and searching for a better understanding of how things work will benefit from knowing about SE. Those of you who are on a quest to balance mind and body require knowledge of SE. People who are curious about human nature and want to improve their relationships need to know about this type of energy. This workshop is for those who are willing to experiment and add another dimension to how they see, experience, and deal with the world around them. 

The subject of SE is incredibly important for our well-being and broader understanding of the world, although most know nothing about it. Everything in the world produces vibrations — the cells in our body, parts of a car, rivers, pieces of jewelry, trees, our thoughts…everything. These vibrations never disappear and carry objective information about their producers. They form the vibrational world of SE. The principles and Laws of Nature operating there are very different from those we learned in school and have been conditioned to follow in our daily lives. 

Everything in the world is made up of this type of energy. We — like everything around us — function under two sets of Laws of Nature. One set comes from the world of solidity and seemingly separate things. In this world, our bodies grow, mature, age, and eventually stop functioning. These laws are well researched and accepted by established science. The other set comes from the vibrational world of SE — a world which the public, and even current science, knows little about. But with the barest amount of knowledge as to how SE functions, our understanding of the world and human nature is enormously enhanced. If we apply this knowledge to our everyday lives and work, we will have the tools to: 

  • Get objective information on things we want to know about — information that is untainted by our subjective ideas 

  • Get guidance to help us find solutions to our problems anytime and anywhere, especially in situations with incomplete information 

  • Analyze a person’s nature even without meeting the person, as well as understand their abilities and how those abilities are being used 

  • With minimal information, analyze the dynamics between people in different environments (family, work, etc.) 

  • Increase our physical and mental balance 

  • And much more 



First day:

Start: 9:30am
Preparation for the workshop: Full Yogi Breathing exercise.

I. Introduction – Entering the invisible world.

II. Principles of the vibrational world of Subtle Energy.

Four main principles:

  • On the deepest level of reality, we are all made from the same matter and interconnected 

  • SE is not electromagnetic in nature 

  • SE carries information; thoughts are Energy and affect matter 

  • Everything in the world vibrates. The quality of the vibrations is important information 

  • Group experimentation with vibrations – starting to build your own data bank of how different vibrations feel for you and developing your vibrational perception 

Group experimentation with vibrations – starting to build your own data bank of how different vibrations feel for you and developing your own vibrational perception.

Learning meditations – Full Yogi Breathing, Breathing in a Power Circle, Following the Pulse of Energy.

Lunch 12:30-1:15 (bring your own lunch)

Other Principles:

  • Everything has a dual nature of matter and a wave

Group Experimentation with the Energy fields (auras).

  • Concept of the “Holographic Universe”:

  • “Holograms” - everything can be expressed through its wave-form

  • The “Cosmic Hologram” as a source of information

Group experimentation with “holograms” 

  • Information in a form of vibrations never disappears: past, present, and future exist in each and every point of space and time.

  • Effect of resonance in the vibrational world of SE

Group experimentation with the concept of resonance.

Group meditation.

End: 5:00pm

Second day:

Start 9:30am
Group meditation

Continuation with Principles: 

  • Concentration, like a laser beam, can retrieve any wave-form of any subject/object of our interest – more about “holograms”

Group experimentation with “holograms”

  • The information coded in the vibrations can be received anywhere.. All that is required is a sensitive receiver.

All principles from the domain of SE reflect the eternal and infinite nature of vibrations.

III. Our Anatomy and Physiology – what is not taught at school:

  • We will explore our Energy Field, its roles

  • Learn about our Energy transportation system

Lunch: 12:30pm (bring your own lunch)

  • Based on Olga's innovative system, we will talk about our Energy Centres (Chakras) as places where our mind is formed, and as a source of information about people's nature.

Group experimentation with Energy Fields and Energy Centres

IV “Point Zero State of Mind” is a prerequisite to get an objective information

How to use a Pendulum – as a tool to get information

Group experimentation with using a Pendulum.

Group meditation.

Introduction to the ancient system: JUST for YOU!-Moving with Energy.

End: 5:00pm


Part II of this course will be dedicated to the unique, advanced methods of getting information from a distance. SE Profiling – using the holographic concept of the Universe to get any needed information and how and where to use these methods. 

The powerful journey of Olga Strashun — a Russian medical doctor who worked in an emergency ward as a Doctor of Internal Medicine and also has a specialization in Acupuncture — started at the multidisciplinary Subtle Energy research laboratory in Leningrad, which was founded by the USSR Ministry of Space. Her training was a revelation: everything we know about the world and everything we believe in turned out to be just a fraction of reality. It changed her life. She continued her own research and experimentation with SE after immigrating with her family to Canada. Olga established a reputation for being a remarkably gifted wellness counselor and healer. Her interest in Subtle Energy, especially as it pertains to our daily functioning, is the driving force behind a desire to bring her knowledge to people. Olga is the author of the book, “Subtle Energy: Information to Enhance, Guide, and Heal”, a unique step-by-step guide into the vibrational world of SE.