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Joseph Stalin’s Subtle Energy Profile: The shape and the size of the Energy Field are indicating the absence of any serious physical or emotional problems. There is a lack of energy- based on the size of the Energy Field around the lower part of the hologram.

Size A shows good analytical abilities.

Energy Centre VII: Is average in development. In the diagram of how the abilities are being used, there is a huge gap indicating that this person has a criminal mind and is a murderer on a huge scale. Total absence of moral and ethical values.

Energy Centre VI: is very well developed and very well used – based on a small gap in the diagram of how the abilities are being used.

Energy Centre V: is undeveloped and shows a huge gap in how the abilities are being used – very stubborn, inflexible, not creative, and there is no joy in life.

Energy Centre IV: is undeveloped – total absence of the abilities to love and be compassionate.

Energy Centre III: is overdeveloped. Pathological controlling issues, blown out of proportion self esteem, and a lot of anger.

Energy Centre II: is a regular size. Lack of sexual activity.

Energy Centre I: is highly developed. Based on the diagram of how the abilities are being used, there is a tendency for over detailing and over programming. Controlling each small detail in his daily life.

See all Subtle Energy Profiles HERE