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Anthony Boudain’s Subtle Energy Profile: The shape of the Energy Field indicates that at the time of the photo, he was physically and emotionally not well. This picture has a specific indication of a serious addiction (alcohol or drugs). In this case, I always see that the lower part of the legs is not covered with an Energy Field.

Size A indicates high intellectual abilities (3 sizes of an actual head).

Energy Centre VII: is well developed with a small gap, indicating that he is honest.

Energy Centre VI: is average in development. His intuition could be used better.

Energy Centre V: is highly developed.

Energy Centre IV: is well developed and well used. 

Energy Centre III: is slightly below average in development. From the diagram of how the abilities are being used, we see a gap that always means there is a tendency for clinical depression and excessive fears.

Energy Centre II: is well developed.

Energy Centre I: is well developed, but some difficulties in executing his plans (small gap in the diagram of how the abilities are being used)

See all Subtle Energy Profiles HERE